Sperimentazioni cliniche

Dipartimento di Oncologia Udine
Ratio monociti-linfociti nei pazienti con carcinoma del colon retto metastatico: ruolo prognostico e definizione del cut- off. The MIMIC study: Monocyte- to- lymphocyte ratIo in Metastatic Colorectal cancer: the prognostic role and cut- off definition.
sperimentatore principale: Nicoletta Pella
Predictive model of response to immunotherapy: cinical, radiological and laboratoristic factors in patients with head and neck cancer, a multicenter study.
sperimentatore principale: Ciro Rossetto
Concurrent chemotherapy and PROton therapy coMpared to photon therapy, followed by Durvalumab maintEnance in sTage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): immunological and Hematological EffectS.
sperimentatore principale: Francesco Cortiula